The Babes

The Babes

December 18, 2011

Are you serious right now?

I really couldnt think of anything better to name this post.. except maybe WTF or craptastic.. maybe. I dunno. What I have been dealing with lately is sad. I am someone who may be a little too cut and dry but I feel like to be a honest person you have to be. I can already tell this is going to turn into more of a rant than a simple expression of thought. oh well. So things i cant stand.. "oh hey, you know so and so? well she blah blah blah blah, I cant stand her"....... fast forward to the next day...........seeing those exact people smiling, talking and laughing all buddy buddy.. are you kidding me? seriously. If you dont like someone please please please do not be mean to them, but for the love, do not act so fake to them that it makes me sick and probably the person you are being nice to. Newsflash, when you are being fake nice to me, I CAN TELL.  I am not a moron, even though you obviously think so. I can tell that you are fake, I can tell that the over the top stupid, "I havent seen you in forever, we need to get together" is fake. If you wanted to see me or be my friend you would make an effort and not only when you are forced into a face to face conversation with me. Now.. that being said, when I dont like someone and yes there are a few people that I simply dont like. Thier personality is not my style, or they just annoy me, whatever. I am in no way mean to them, I will speak to them each and everytime i see them. Will i fake nice them? NO.
Okay so that leads me to the fact that I am a Christian. please dont laugh and say.. well... you know what you just said doesnt make you a very good Christian. please, I am a child of God, He loves me and I love Him. Nothing i just said is wrong. Moving on, As Christians we are held to a standard, not only by God but by the general population. Our lives are a testimony to Him. How we live our lives shows who we serve whether it be ourselves or Him. If we are serving the Lord our lives should reflect that. I, just like everyone else, will get caught up in trying to please everyone but Him. It happens. But we can NOT take our focus off of Jesus and on to the fact that we dont "fit in" with everyone else. How terrible to be like everyone else. I dont want to be like anyone else, I want to be like me.
Some things about me that people would judge me for and that i have been judged for by people who are supposed to be loving Christians
1. i was married at 19, divorced at 21.
2. I had a child out of wedlock
3. I have no problem going to a bar and drinking a beer, it does not make me a horrible person. Now if i stumbled out drunker than a skunk, maybe there is a issue.
4. I think that marijuana should be legal.. am a pot head. No. but thanks for asking.
5. I smoke a cigarette occasionally.. GASP. get over it.
I am so incredibly sick of people with their nose in the air thinking they are more "christian-y" than anyone else because.. whisper, whisper.. a little bird told me that stephanie martin was at (insert bar name here) drinking a beer. fyi.. i probably was.
Some other things about me: and i am in no way saying that I am a super great person and that because i give freely and love others a bunch, I am better than anyone or entitled to sin a little bit here and there. Should I smoke no, should I drink beer.. sure.. just not too much of it. etc.
so on to those other things about me
1. I give, I would give the shirt off of my back to anyone who needed it.
2. I pray for others, and I hope that when they say they will that others are praying for me (and you might think that after reading this you need too :)
3. I wear my heart on my sleeve, most of the time you couldnt tell it, but it is true and I feel like it needs to be that way.
4. I believe that Jesus died for me, I try my best to serve Him each and everyday and when I fail I pray that He would forgive me.
I think that as Christians we should love each other whether you wanna be my BFF or whether you would rather never see me again. Please do not go out of your way to hurt me, I will never do that to you. You can be very sure that I will do my best to love you, please do the same. I am incredibly imperfect, I fail each and everyday, I am sure that I hurt people, but that is never my intention. Next thing for me to study.. not taking offense.. man that is hard one. :)

March 03, 2011

She's a

Sheesh. Finally another blog entry. I always make fun of my husband because he stomps around the dang house like he is a rhino. when he lays down in bed i swear he is like a ton of bricks. The guy isnt obese but man he is solid. Well... my poor sweet evelyn.. she is exactly the same. she stomps around, and when she is dead weight.. i swear she is like 75lbs.  Poor kid with her dad and me being 6'3 she has no chance at being dainty or any of that cutesy stuff.. and im okay with that.... we will she what she thinks here in about 10 years.
ugh i hate having nothing to say.

November 29, 2010

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Is there a more handsome kid.. doubt it
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November 26, 2010

Cheekers in the bather :) Shooting with my new Nikon D3000
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November 25, 2010

Kinda late but here are my kiddos on Halloween, Pirate Landon and Pink Kitty Cheekers.
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GAH! Facebook fast.

So Ive done a pretty craptastic job of keeping up with this blog lately. whatev. It is Thanksgiving Day, so i feel obligated to say happy thanksgiving. so there it is.  Honestly i feel like i love the cozy, apple pie smelling, turkey eating day however i am tired. I am always tired and I am looking forward to taking my simple apple pie (although its really not that simple when you have to find time to make it) and go to someone elses house to eat. sounds spectacular.
Today is day number one of my facebook fast. Im starting with 2 weeks.. yep thats right, im shaking already. Ill update later and see if ive cracked. however i find it imperative to my needs right now to not be associated with facebook. anything that takes up that much of my time should be breathing. just sayin.
So here is a cool story, my son prayed "for" someone for the first time two nights ago, instead of thankyou God for my room, mommy, dada, etc. it was actually for someone. talk about making a momma's heart smile :) mmmmmm.. good good stuff right there.